Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ruby Slippers Don't Want to go Home

I don't want to go Home
Not now...
Can't go Home,
Need to be away,
Alone with my thoughts,
Long to be near Mother,
Mother Nature......
Then I see her -
Little girl dancing
on the concrete steps
near the lakeshore
Truly Free....
She's twirling like a ballerina
to the score in her head.
How i wish i could dance like her
Carefree and audaciously.....
Shall i join her?
We can be Fred and Ginger.
Two carefree souls
dancing at sunset
on an organic backdrop
of earth greens
and water blues,

The wind choreographing
our movements.
She vanishes in the distance...
little girl gone,
as the sun disappears...
sleepy sun sinks.
Time to go home
We must all go home
sooner or later,
It's time to go home,
wherever home may be.


Aleksu said...

Dance like no one is seeing you.

When home calls you, the magnetic force is impossible to resist.

Mariposatomica said...

what a wonderful image of a child twirling...