Saturday, September 10, 2005


Remember my questions on censorship?
How did you respond?

Censorship is thriving on our soil

What will you tolerate from your democratic government?


Matt said...

I've read a few posts recently about Blogger censorship. With their new flagging system, people with controversial blogs are getting flagged and de-listed. The one I saw was just a political blog, but not pulling any punches. Because of people clicking that flag, Blogger delisted them.

Anonymous said...

dang zataod, that's horrible. i had wondered about that. and i guess that is when one must decide to perhaps go independent of blogger.

as far as photographing the dead. i think it leaves things less dignified if you allow the injustice to go unheard or unseen.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

bastard blogger!
if they are going to do any censoring, delist the blogs that are pornographic.

i wandered onto a creepy blog recently...couldn't believe the content on it.

Matt said...

If we had a free press that showed everything that was going on in Iraq and now in New Orleans, the public would have absolutely no more tolerance for GWB. This censorship thing is just another piece of our Democracy that is being taken away.

Meanwhile the masses are sedated by the vast industrial entertainment machine.