Monday, September 26, 2005

Confessions from the Confused

Instead of Confucius says...

i present..............Confused says:

Sometimes, Writing makes me sad.....fills me with turmoil......because i love it too much.
On quiet nights, as i cradle my pen....or eagerly touch the keyboard....
i fear i love it more than medicine.

i do adore medicine....the science, the mystery, the constants, the variables, the people, the challenge......i'm never times i feel lost and dumb....but i can deal with that.

I feel guilty because it feels like I have two lovers.....i'm not suppose to have two....what about monogamy......i don't mean marriage.....what about commitment?

do i cheat on one when i devote time to the other? do i unfairly spend more time with one?

i wish i didn't feel this do i reconcile?

*but i do like this Confucius saying:
If you enjoy what you do, you'll never work another day in your life.

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