Monday, September 12, 2005

Could I.....Would I

I always revisit certain questions. Same question....Different time in my life.
Wonder if anyone else thinks about this question of mine?
Or do they have their own question(s) they constantly wrestle with?

My question is always one of........ could I be as strong as my predecessors?

Those who fought for justice....for equality.
ould I have the courage and determination required of me?
Would I have the strength to deal with death threats, assaults, being blacklisted, or being exiled?

If I was alive then, how would I have reacted?
Would I have joined the struggle for women's rights?
Would I have joined the struggle for civil rights?

I am lucky to live in a time where I have so many opportunities which a woman like me didn't always have in my country. Opportunities and freedoms which many women in other countries still don't have.

Would I rise to the challenge? Would I stand by my beliefs to the end?
If I am called, will I answer?

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