Wednesday, September 28, 2005

A New Frontier....for Sleep

Sometimes i come across news stories and can't help but think..."What are we doing?! Where are we going?!"

The latest story was about sleep. A new way of getting sleep....via a store. At the Great Mall of America in Minnesota, a store called MinneNAPolis is opening..... in the mall.
For 70 cents a minute, you can nap there (not sure what exactly "there" looks like) and recharge to continue shopping, make the drive home, or whatever else that comes to mind.

We shouldn't have to pay for SLEEP! It should be free. We should be able to find a quiet spot to doze off a bit without being mugged or bugged by the police.

I rather pay 70 cents a minute doing something calling loved ones in foreign countries.

Sox Magic Number: 4 (before the Wed. game) 2 (after the Wed. game)


Matt said...

In my current sleep-deprived state, I would pay big bucks for some more sleep. Really, what they need to be selling is time. If I could buy 3 or 4 hours, I could use most of that for some more sleep.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Aataod, Excellent idea...selling time....we all need more time...or so we think.

Imagine the cute ways we can package time. Piece of time for all occasions!

DeCoMpOsEd said...

kinda dumb if you ask me... if you need to be can find time before going to the mall to sleep. or hurry home and sleep. why pay someone to let you do something ....that you'll do better at home. whats next pay to deficate.... we'll clean your pipes so you can continue shopping.

Unknown said...

"whats next pay to deficate"?

Actually ... yes. In NYC they just started installing pay-toilets. You can now drain your bladder for a buck!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Aberrant T,
i have read about that. I saw pay-toilets in Peru, think it was Peru.
A buck! that's seems like too much to pay.

sleep should cost less than using a computer.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i rather fall asleep in my car than pay someone to let me sleep.