Why am I barely being introduced to nutella?
Hasn't it existed since the 1940s? To think i lived in an Italian neighborhood for X number of years! Why didn't my landlord say something?
One evening, i heard great things about nutella from a friend
Off i went searching for it on the weekend. I lucked out that my grocery store carries such an item.
I drove home, salivating at the thought of nutella, will it really taste maravilloso?
My friend warned me to "Be careful. It's very addictive"
Wonder if i have to refrigerate it?

Okay that question answered.
Next, to taste it.
Started with a small amount on a piece of toast.
hmmm, i like this......very chocolatey
Let's take some more
hmmmmmmmmm......yummmmmmmmmmmy......i need a little more
OMG!!!!! This is freaking amazing. MORE. Lick, lick, lick..........ah....yes....YES!!!!!!!
Ay Que Rico!......mmmmmmmmmmmmm
Damn this is good. It was soooooo hard to put my spoon down and close the lid.
Until tomorrrow......mas nutella.
Whatever you do, don't, I repeat, don't sit with an open jar and dip cookies into it.
You've been warned!
xolo, don't give me any more ideas...for the love of God! i have already sampled it on several other items...but there is still one thing i'm verry interested in glazing with nutella :)
Huh. Now I want to try nutella. If I get addicted, it's all your fault!
What would it be like in coffee? Does it mix with yogurt and granola? How about on various flavors of ice cream?
I sense that there are many areas of potential research here.
dr.v, whenever i see nutella these days, i think of nipples. the power of suggestive banter....btw, i like it with pretzel sticks. question? are you familiar with cajeta, that's my other weakness and its made with goat milk. :)
zataod, i caught a cooking show on t.v. that suggested nuking nutella in the microwave for a few seconds to melt and then pour over vanilla ice cream. i tried it, i liked it.
with COFFEE! i didn't think of that...what a surprise! Tomorrow i try.
zataod, ur just as bad as xolo!
(but i already tried it with ice cream....EXCELLENT)
CC, hmmm...nipples...what a strange association? And i don't think i've tasted cajeta...where can i get some?
In Spain we have Nocilla which is even nicer...
I absolutelly adore it... Here in London I have to go to Notting Hill to the Spanish Shop to get it...
In Spain we have Nocilla which is even nicer...
I absolutelly adore it... Here in London I have to go to Notting Hill to the Spanish Shop to get it...
Take a pear and slice it into very small bite size pieces. Take a glob of nutella and either nuke it or heat on stove. Pour over pears.
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