Thursday, September 29, 2005


Lately i've been thinking about my dad:

his youthfulness
his generosity
his strength
his love of life
his infectious smile
his mystifying eyes

people are always amazed by him......i see why
people praised his work ethic, his dedication, his kindness
He helps others...NOT to get praise in return....he does it because it's what we should do.
He's not perfect.....he knows that....i know that....

i love that we share several things:

a love of coffee
a love of the rain
a love of nature
a love of science
a love of music (the Beatles)

Recently, he told me how much he loved my laugh. One of my siblings calls me "Giggles".
I adore my father's laughter and his smile.
One of my fondest memory is of my college graduation. As i emerged from the corridor onto the main floor of the pavilion, his smile greeted me......a smile so proud......made me want to cry.
There was a lifetime in that smile.
Think i'll see that smile again....when i get married....he's going to make my mascara run ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the first time i met your father he was holding your diploma and showing it to everyone at an hc event. guiam said, that's dr.v's father. and i was like, yep she's got his eyes and smile.