Sunday, September 18, 2005

Richest one percent

airlines filing for bankruptcy,
people removed from their affordable apartments
to make room for gentrification condos,
not having enough for transportation
to get to minimum wage jobs,
obscene gas prices,
rising bus fares,
lay offs,
price gouging at the supermarkets
of the lower-income neighborhoods,
Cuts to medicaid and medicare programs...

but the richest one percent of Americans got........a tax cut

and our government continues to borrow foreign money.


Anonymous said...

wow, i can't believe he said all that. i guess him and papa bush wont be hanging out anymore.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Papa Bush not very happy right now

Matt said...

So if I win the Lotto and make it to the richest 1% (really big Mega Game payout), I can start spitting on my fellow human beings, too?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said..., nice ;)