Friday, September 02, 2005

What a mess!

The looters in New Orleans should NOT be the media's focus or the government's.

The REAL media story is how inept the federal government (specifically a certain administration) has been in responding to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

"New Orleans' top emergency management official called that effort a "national disgrace" and questioned when reinforcements would actually reach the increasingly lawless city."

I would like to point out that:
a) we knew Hurricane Katrina (category 5) was coming
b) the worst case scenario was discussed in the media before it hit the Louisiana coastline.

Why didn't the feds already have a plan of action? Why not have the US Navy on standby in case the worst did occur? We had the technology to predict where Hurricane Katrina was headed and what did we do with that knowledge. Yes, some people did evacuate. But we also knew that several had NO means of evacuating......thus forced to head to the Superdome. Parts of the city, if not all of it, were going to be underwater.

Hey, Mr. President (this goes to your henchmen as well).....the people of New Orleans don't need another press conference or more photo op moments. Those things don't save LIVES.
They need WATER, FOOD, and SHELTER.

GET the armed forces and whatever resource that's available to New Orleans STAT!
Not in 3 days or in what other ridiculous timeline you've given. NOW.

Rescue your own fellow American citizens......stop focusing on the rest of the world.
New Orleans is IN America....consult a map if you have to......shouldn't take you long to get there.


Mariposatomica said...

Ay Dr. V I am absolutely appaulled by this government. I'm fearful for the people of New Orleans and also for the working class. People are falling more and more into poverty and now with gas prices and heating costs rising we will be seeing some really rough times. As for the looters, channel 7 asked the question of black and white. They showed the example of of an African-American man coming out of a store with food. The caption read "he looted the store." Same
scenerio with a white couple at same store and caption reads,"Couple returing after finding bread." Is this BS or what? And as for FEMA i don't know what freakin' Universe they are living in. I'm also concerned about the sexual assults on women in the midst of this tragedy. Humans at our best...

Matt said...

Once again, Bush was warned while on vacation in Crawford, but failed to act. He has failed to lead over and over again.