Tuesday, October 18, 2005


What i learned from NPR this Sunday......

Barbeque'N with Bobby Seale

even revolutionaries got to eat!.....

that was the humorous explanation Bobby of the Black Panthers gave for writing the cookbook. The real reason was the cookbook served as a fundraiser to help pay for a youth program by the organization.

More on the Black Panthers to come.......why? just wait and see :)

Do you remember the Black Panthers?

If so, were your impressions of them negative or positive? Please do tell......

*i've changed my comment section to honour the baseball playoffs :)


under the red sky said...

I believe in Huey Newton and the black panthers. It's so sad how the fucken U.S. government destroyed this group

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

oooooo gustavo,
So glad to hear that. I wasn't sure anybody NOT black, felt that way.

Matt said...

I pead ignorance. It's a part of history (which I lived through) that I'm oblivious about.

The little I do know makes me believe that we need modern day black panthers.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

don't worry.....that's why there are people around to educate us. I didn't know much either...and am still learning. I want to read more about them after I heard the interview on NPR.

under the red sky said...

Two excellent books that I highly recommend on the Black Panthers are:

The Black Panthers Speak by Philip S. Foner

The Huey P. Newton Reader by Huey P. Newton Edited by David Hilliard