Friday, October 21, 2005


Because I think and create in two different languages (at least 2 spoken languages),
I've made the conscious effort to let the spanish version of me speak.
During the last few months, I've tried to write more in spanish...which isn't easy for me.

I still struggle with the grammar :(
This limits me...holds me back at times.
Nevertheless, the thoughts/ideas refuse to go away.
They come like waves........caressing me as they wash over me.
I love the impressions they make on my sandy shores.

As a result, I issue this Disclaimer:
There may be misspellings and incorrect grammar. I don't mind if you correct me :)
Furthermore, my keyboard isn't equipped for the spanish language...
I can't get the "accent" and the "squiggle" over the "n".
CC once gave me some "code of keys" to make it appear but that didn't work with my keyboard. Those things will only appear if i can "cut and paste" them from an online dictionary or something.

1 comment:

Xolo said...

Write, escribe, let your voice come out in whatever way it wishes to speak.

Don't worry about grammar and spelling. I can correct it as you post.

If I am writing in Spanish a lot, I tend to do it in MS Word because I know where all the accent keys are. Let me know if you need to know.

If I am writing something short, I tend to use ~ for n+~. This is necessary because if not, a~o becomes something different. ;-) Also if a word has an accent on the last vowel, I just use an apostrophe: hablo'. Otherwise, I figure people can figure out what I want to say.

Suerte a tus medias blancas! Yo tambien les echare' porras!