Sunday, October 09, 2005

Federal Holiday

Tomorrow, some of us get to enjoy a day off since it is a federal holiday.
The children don't have to go to school.
No postal service manana

we celebrate genocide
and the murderers of indigenous people.
We celebrate the bloodshed over gold.
We celebrate the "taming of savages",
Because, come on, those people were primitive,
they didn't give this world anything valuable,
except their gold.

How fitting for a nation
to celebrate this.
A nation which ignores genocide
when it happens in other countries,
and loves to invade foreign lands
in the name of freedom
and democracy.
At the same time,
slicing democracy
with a machete
at America.

A government that resisted
declaring MLK Day a federal holiday.

No offense to Italians who are proud of their heritage,
but i will not be "celebrating" how Columbus "discovered" the New World.
I hope they stopped teaching this "myth" in our schools.
I will be celebrating my people, their accomplishments,
and what they have given to this earth.

Thanks to my grammar school's history lessons,
i spent too many years in the dark
about this "holiday".


Anonymous said...

ditto. i agree with everything you've said about this wretched holiday.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i like how u say "ditto" :)
i Luv my CC

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I haven't forgotten about discussing sexuality and Latinas

The "Sex Class is in Session: Latina Edition" post is coming soon