Monday, October 10, 2005

Saturday Reading

Now is not the time to get political.....
Is the message i got after reading an article
in the Saturday newspaper.

Now is not the time?
If so, when is THE time?
When it is TOO late?

They are hoping you don't care
until it is TOO late,
after they have seized control...
control of all branches of government.
No more system of "checks and balances"
Executive, Legislative, Judicial
All will by one,
a domino effect
resulting in a great nation's death.

We will be living on a RED PLANET when the next superpower emerges....
i direct you to Jon Stewart for an explanation....see clip titled "Red Planet"


AnalisaGuzman said...

OH MY GOD! Thanks for the link to the JOn Stewart site. I have been watching videos LMAO! hehehehe.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Jon is SO cool and So Gorgeous :P
A man that Thinks!!