Friday, October 14, 2005

Talk Radio

Love the sound of the radio.
Had a chance to listen to NPR this afternoon

I enjoy my news in this manner
versus the glitz and glamour of television.
Television has become obnoxious -
Screaming at me, Blinding me
Provoking seizures with its flashing lights.
Resorting to despicable tactics
like stripping and gyrating before me.
Where did subtle seductive go?
I'm not interested in the flesh
I want some substance
Some intelligence
Not a beauty pageant show
of bimbos and dimwits

As i listened to the news stories
on my local NPR station
it brought back
of the past.
The days before television,
when i listened to the radio,
tuned in
to the rest of the World.

Indulging in news bulletins,
evenings of music
Smooth jazz filling my home
from my living room
to my kitchen
The radio offered me music
and theater to tease my ears.
Captivated by "The Shadow"
my imagination ran wild
with speculation and intrigue.
Sparked by sounds.........
the radio took me
far away from my home.

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