Friday, October 07, 2005



stick your War On Terror
up your ass!

i'm sick of him trying to scare the American public.......
with all the "disasters" he's created at home, he's trying to shift our attention elsewhere.
Just see this clip from "The Daily Show"'s titled "Quick, Dial 9/11!"

Focus Here, my friend, Focus home......Focus on America for once.
I refuse to let you sink our nation
What has happened to our democracy?

Free her......Free Democracy


The Saturnyne said...

Y'know... that's just what i thought.

All this "New Terrorist Threat" seems like bollocks. An attempt at obfuscation.

And now our P.M. is making noises at Iran next door... hyping up the possibility of danger.... didn't this all happen the same way, with Iraq?

Our two governments are nuts!
Yours is still scarier, though.



dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

dear S,
u make me think of that David Bowie song..."I'm Afraid of Americans" :)