Thursday, October 27, 2005

World Series Commentary: game 4

my White Sox.....

are the 2005 World Series Champions!!!!!

White Sox SWEPT the Houston Astros (4 to 0) to end an 88 year drought of championships in the Sox organization. The final score was 1 to 0.....Dye was the MVP.
Lots of history was made in this World Series by the White Sox.

Thanks for a wonderful baseball season......Chicago loves you!!!
Can't wait for you and that trophy to come home. We are going to CELEBRATE!
Now that the White Sox have won a World Series......I think I can win my own "world series"....
Thank you White Sox for showing me how ;)


under the red sky said...

It's a miracle!! It's a miracle!! Congrats!! Glad your team won!!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

a true miracle....helped by determination and hard work ;)

The Saturnyne said...


I'm so happy for you, that i think i would jump up, and then down, in zero gravity.

Followed by some seriously big hugging!


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Yes...lots of hugging :)

Matt said...

"I think I can win my own "world series"...."

I hope your World Series is as exciting as that played by the Sox.