Wednesday, November 09, 2005

22 ways to make a boy smile

A friend of mine posted this.......some of the things on this list i like to is nice having a guy's perspective on these i kept T's extra comments in parenthesis.

Just saw the girl-version of this... I think it's about time we boys got some lovin', too... so I've done a conversion. I should be dissertating for friggin' sake. Please don't tell my advisor.

1. Tell him he's handsome or sexy
(and sometimes cute, but reserve that word like a cook reserves pine nuts)
2 . Hold his hand at any moment (I'll add, pull it around your waist... we like when you show us what you like)
3 . Kiss him on the nose. (that might be specific to me)
4 . Leave him voice messages to wake up to.
5 . When he is upset, hold him tight and tell him how much he means to you.
6 . Recognize the small things . . . they usually mean the most.
7 . Pick him over all the other boys you hang out with.
8 . Write him notes. (he loves them)
9 . Introduce him to family and friends . . . as your boyfriend. (risky, but I'll leave it...)
10 . Play with his hair. (editorial note: this varies)
11 . Tickle him, and play-wrestle with him. (but, I'd add, really do try to win the fight... with us indie boys, you probably will end up kicking our ass... but it'll be still fun for us)
12 . Sit in the park and just talk to him about things (things you want to do in life).
13 . Tell him funny jokes, tell him stupid jokes, or just tell him jokes.
14 . Let him fall asleep in your arms.
15 . If he's mad at you, kiss him.
16 . Give him piggyback rides. (we indie boys are light)
17 . Bring him flowers (YOU HEARD ME RIGHT, GIRLS! Flowers smell good to us, too, y'know)

18 . Treat him the same around your friends as you do when you're alone. (that's a big one)
19 . Look him in the eyes and smile.
20 . Let him take as many pictures of you as he wants. (not sure about this one, but I left it... for you kinky couples)
21 . Kiss him in the rain. (I'll add: on a crowded subway car, esp. near the L stop, so all the indie boys know to take a hike)
22 . If you're in love with him . . . tell him.

so what do you think? good ideas? what about 17...really?


sonrisa morena said...

interesante si si muy muy interesante!!!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

hopefully we see other comments by men, besides T's...besides the "indie guy".

so men....please comment....pretty please

Xolo said...

Yep, most of those are about right. 16 would be tough with me. 11 - not really.

But 17 - oh yes!!! Unfortunately, it does not happen too often.

Matt said...

I love plants, but cut flowers don't do much for me. I would rather have something that is living and growing and will stick around for years if I care for it properly.

Anonymous said...

well i can tell you that there is nothing like practicing number one. just like women, men love to be told that they have beautiful eyes, lips, etc. some might give you a baffled look but they secretly love it. but i personaly think you should only say it if you mean it.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

if i had known u like flowers...i could have given u some for ur Bday :).....but maybe Sara did.

i use to not buy plants as gifts, but mom has a green thumb :) so she prefers to get plants for her garden instead of flowers.

i agree with you...the guys like it "cuando le hechamos flores"(is that how the saying goes?)

Santiago said...

I do not know about 3, but 15 has to be my favorite. I love flowers, 17 is true especially at work. Although I would prefer potted so they could last longer.

Unknown said...

how about in text???

Unknown said...

Indy Boys, huh? Then how about us Lafayette people?!?!