Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Dear National Media

you suck

Are you really going to down play the indictments in the Dubbya administration?
Don't bury this story with the new Supreme Court nomination! Both deserve airplay.
But most of the media is a bunch of slaves to the conservatives of this country...

Jon Stewart and Rob Corddry said it best in a recent show....click on "Double Vision" video.

**for added bonus
click on "As you leak it" under Headlines Video...
where you'll hear lines like "if only lies left semen stains"
and see that a person can go toooo far with baseball analogies


Matt said...

Without a strong news media, we are lost as a democracy.

The need to increase shareholder value has destroyed journalism.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i was appalled to learn of the crimes GE committed against americans and how they used their media ties to promote a good image.