Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Irked....because I'm human

i was tempted not to post this
but i don't want to censor myself.
we have to be honest with ourselves.
(at least some of the time)

it irks me
as i stare
at the crowds
around her

i scream,
she whispers
they only hear
her whispers
i stack words
as high as skyscrapers
she makes a scratch,
not even a word,
in the dirt,
not even holy dirt,
they flock to her
to see the wonder
created by her

but i'm human
i can't escape
and the other myriad
of emotions,
how sad,
but i try to stomp it.
She is worthy
of their praise.
She has her days.
Some days
I don't care
I Swear....
Some days
I wish
they would
notice me.
Some days
we can all be
Attention Whores
to be adored.



Xolo said...

This is great writing. I am happy you shared it.

Mariposatomica said...

These experiences are part of the human experience. Who doesn't want a little attention. I dare you to show off, compile your work and mail them out to a publishing house. thanks for sharing.

Santiago said...

you are speaking to the choir. i want to be placed on a pedastal. i want to be on high. we often forget the fall. sometimes the falls hits harder.

yes, thanks for the words. they are inspirational.

Lorena said...

i'm very happy you shared this because i love this poem!! i find it very admirable those who can be honest like this because we all experience this feeling accept only few admit it.
love these lines especially:

"i stack words
as high as skyscrapers
she makes a scratch,
not even a word,
in the dirt,
not even holy dirt,
they flock to her
to see the wonder
created by her"

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

now, i am happy i wrote this. i find writing is a perfect way to deal with the things that bother us. Better than declaring war on someone....on another country.