Thursday, November 03, 2005


this isn't meant to scare anyone...
those with fears of needles already have thought up excuses to NOT to get one...

but i must say....


because i'm labeled as "at risk" since i work near ill people, i got my flu shot today. Now, i have an aching right deltoid muscle....should have told the nurse to place the vaccine on my left arm instead.


it hurts to lift my right arm, but i expect this to only last a day....

*i believe the pain can be minimized based on the nurse's injection technique. This person just happened to nail my muscle.


The Saturnyne said...

You poor darling. Suffering! I feel all tender and nursey towards you.

Never had a flu shot, myself.

Needles. Ugh!


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

any acts of tenderness are welcomed for my tender muscle.

i don't think i would normally get flu shots if it wasn't a work requirement :)