Saturday, November 12, 2005


One of the themes/topics of my writings and poems is often the writing process.

I came upon a lovely short poem which was about poetry. This poem is featured in one of the spanish books i'm reading....."The Tree is Older Than You Are: a Bilingual Gathering of Poems and Stories from Mexico with Paintings by Mexican Artists".

I think you'll enjoy this poem....

"El lapiz poeta"

Era una vez un lapiz que queria escribir
poemas pero no tenia punta. Un dia un nino
le metio un sacapuntas, y en lugar de punta
le salio un rio.
-Jesus Carlos Soto Morfin

"The Poet Pencil"

Once upon a time a pencil wanted to write
poetry but it didn't have a point. One day a boy
put it into the sharpener, and in place of a point,
a river appeared.
-Translation by Judith Infante

Que bonito.....How beautiful.
I looked up the author in the section of "Notes on the Contributors".
Here are a few words about Jesus Carlos:
"son of Guadalupe Morfin, was born in 1984 and wrote the poems included here when he was eight years old."

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