Monday, February 27, 2006

the Phony War on Terror

if we are so concerned about terrorists,
then why is this happening?

This paragraph paraphrases what i was telling my friends at brunch:

"When American citizens are being asked to forfeit their civil liberties as part of the so-called "war on terror," it is deeply hypocritical for this Administration to blindly rubber-stamp a deal with such broad national security implications."

Of course i didn't use all those big fancy words. My comments might have including a "bastard" and a "fuck" ;)


Ivar said...

or a single noun-like word..."fuckbastard!"

you can use it at will.

Matt said...

The Chimperor's real war is with the American people.

AnalisaGuzman said...

chimperor? hahahaha That is too funny!

Santiago said...

War should be fought with swords and with honor...not behind a desk and with incompetence. Ignorance is not and excuse.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

"Fuckbastard"...i like that!

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

i do feel like we, the American people, are under constant attack.
People should have known no good would come from reelecting him!

ah...our ignorant president is a coward...hiding behind his policies/PR machine. That administration should pick up a sword and fight their own war instead of sending so many of America's youth to an early grave or leading them to a life of permanent psychological trauma.