Monday, June 05, 2006


i think the universe is
sending me messages

it happened

another sunday
that same radio show
a similar topic of discussion -
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

it has been sundays that
i haven't listened to
that radio show
how funny that when i tune in
Dr. MLK, Jr. is waiting for me

i didn't deliberately seek him out
i just happened
to turn on the radio
at that hour
there's usually nothing good
on other radio stations
so i go to that one.....
there's always something worthy of my ears' attention

i'm starting to believe
it is not coincidence

another show on MLK, Jr.
a new book.....the King Years

as the radio show host mentioned
They are not the Kennedy years
They are the King Years
Dr. MLK, Jr. did more for civil rights
human rights
than Kennedy ever did in that time

King did more for America
challenge and changed America
He forced America to live up to its Ideals.

i think these "signals" from the universe
are to encourage me
to get better acquainted with Dr. King's work/words

something is coming
i need to be prepared for it.

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