Monday, July 26, 2004


The human brain has always fascinated me. The closest artificial object capable of rivaling it is a computer. Multitasking, storage capacity, and speed is where the comparison ends. The mind is more mysterious, like outer space, it has unexplored areas and can't fully be understood. During one of my medical school interviews, I was asked what organ would I choose to be and why. Naturally, I chose the brain because it controls everything in the body. It works on both levels- the conscious and subconscious. We are constantly in autopilot. Several critical processes which sustain our lives happen without our awareness. Or you would find yourself having to think about every single breath. Some of us can't remember what we were thinking an hour ago or what we were planning on doing in the next few minutes.


Deanna said...
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Diana said...

After all these years I never knew you had a fascination with the brain. It's such an amazing organ!! I often wonder if at one time we used the other 90% or if it is currently dormant until humanity evolves more. Here is a passage from "The Devils Highway" by Luis Alberto Urrea. Look for book review coming soon on my blog.

"Those in good shape, will sooner or later, faint. This is the brain's way of stopping the machine, hitting the brakes when you realize you're speeding toward a cliff. The body knows. If the brain can stop the body, put it in a little coma for a moment, it can slow the whole process down and regulate organs and try to tend to damagae control. Take inventory: Hmmm, a little blood in the pancreas, let's move it over to the heart and shoot it up here to me! The brain is all about keeping itself alive."