Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Holy sex appeal

After browsing the blog "injust-spring", I saw the feature of sexy movie priests - my contribution to that list would have to be Joaquin Phoenix in "Quills". Hey, other religions allow their "priests" to marry, unlike the Catholic Church.

I couldn't directly post the photos here, but click on the link on the title and on Joaquin to see what I'm talking about. Here's one of Joaquin at the Toronto Film Festival.


Anonymous said...

mmmmmmmm, two-thumbs up for el padre amaro. I'll go to confession every day if he's going to be on the other side of that screen.

Aleksu said...

Ya'll gonna burn in Hell!

he he he...

Where can I find a list of hot nuns?

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I love Joaquin's scar (by his upper lip).

Diana said...

Benicio del Torro would make a delightful priest. He'd melt the candles as he passes. I like the idea already:)

AnalisaGuzman said...

Ed Harris! I need to go to confession now! GUAAAAHHHH!