Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Winning Ugly?

The White Sox used that phrase in their pennant race of 1983. Back then it was a reference to the type of play on the baseball field. Now it seems things are getting ugly in several major league baseball parks. Fans attacking coaches and umpires. Now in Oakland on Monday night, a Texas Ranger reliever pitcher tossing a chair into the crowd after a heated exchange between Oakland's fans and the Texas bullpen.

Players shouldn't be throwing furniture into the crowd but fans need to behave themselves as well. One of the current White Sox players had a cellphone thrown at his head at a game in Oakland last season. A Cubs fan snatched a Dodgers player's hat, causing several Dodgers players to charge into the crowd and beat up a fan.

Most of the time the players ignore the taunts yelled by obnoxious, rude "fans" of the opposing team. But sometimes, fans can go too far. I don't like being around these people when I go to the ballpark. These people don't care that there are children in the vicinity, hearing these obscenities and witnessing this disgraceful behavior. We then are SHOCKED to see kids acting and speaking like these idiots. Children learn thru observation and love to imitate adults. This was made abundantly clear when I babysat for my aunt.

Luckily, when I went to the Marlins vs. Expo game at the White Sox park, I didn't have to be around obnoxious people. I even had a front row seat along the 3rd base line. Too bad Josh Beckett wasn't signing autographs. It was fun seeing men and boys swooning over Beckett.

The playoffs will begin soon so I hope the attention will be on the field.

Let's play some ball.

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