Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Riding off into the "sunset"

September 13, 2004
The 1994 assault weapons ban expired or "sunseted" this Monday. George Bush (supported by the NRA) of course did nothing to extend the ban. Semi-automatic weapons are now legal on our streets for gangbangers and other criminals to use. Politics once again gets in the way of doing the right thing. Politicians are to scared to take sides especially in the "swing" states since they don't want to alienate gun owners or hunters. Even John Kerry was careful of the words chosen in his speech to extend the ban.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

But do we really need to have these type of guns accessible to everybody? Why not just law enforcement?

Anonymous said...

In Bowling for Columbine the students that shot up that school got their guns and bullets at a K-Mart. Granted if you want something illegal really bad you will find a way, but making it harder is one way to try and alleviate the problem.

Aleksu said...

I guess people are unable to fathom the power of assault weapons.

With those on the hands of the Columbine massacre duo the cassualties had been way higher.

The swing states happen to be the states were people relish their fire arms the most, no wonder why Bush nor Kerry tried to extend the ban.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

Just speak to trauma surgeons, they'll tell you about the catastrophic injuries from assault weapons. One of your limbs can be taken off from those weapons.