Sunday, October 24, 2004

2 Sisters and a Piano

This was the final weekend of the play "Two Sisters and a Piano" featuring ensemble members of Teatro Vista (Theatre with a View). Thanks to a wonderful, kind friend for making it possible to catch this play. The performances were excellent. One of the play's aspects that mesmerized me was the music. Reminded me how much I loved getting lost with the piano. How I wish I could indulge again. After college, I didn't have much time to practice my piano skills. Didn't help that I also didn't have easy access to a piano. Maybe it is time to return to my neglected friend.


Anonymous said...

Wow, Dr. V. Just when I think I know you, you pull a new trick out of the hat. That so great. Go find a piano and play.

Aleksu said...

It is never too late!

If I had three wishes, one of them would be to be able to play the piano.

I agree with Irasali, just when is it that you are going to stop coming up with surprises?