Sunday, October 24, 2004

I'm Going to Die

Okay not this very instant but eventually. Thoughts of my mortality ambushed me earlier this month. They seemed to come out of nowhere. It is not like I'm never around death or thinking about it. Death is a natural part of life. This time it was different; my mortality landed quite a vicious punch. It didn't really need to send me into a panic or anxious state of mind. A post-it would have been enough. The moment it came was under rather amusing, yet ridiculous circumstances. However, these thoughts have their purpose. Made me reevaluate where in life I am, where I want to go. Don't have all the answers, but maybe someday I will. If I never do, I'll try not to stress out over it.


Diana said...

I'd love to know what the circumstances were that got you going on this subject. Like the Lila Downs song says, nos estamos moriendo todos los dias.

Aleksu said...

This reminded me of a line in the book "Aztec" that created an strong effect in me:

"I came forth from my mother and began my dying".

I realized that our time on this Earth is ephemeral and that we need to do something with it if we want to make it worth it.