Sunday, October 10, 2004

Boys On My Mind

I actual started this post some weeks ago but didn't finish it.

I was thinking about how boy crazy I became in high school. It helped that the eye candy quantity exploded exponentially from the days of elementary school. I probably didn't show it much but believe me boys were on my mind. Luckily, majority of the time they were "on my mind" rather than "on me". If the reverse was true, I don't think I would have accomplished so much in my life. Seeing several high school dropouts and pregnant teens in the neighborhood, I knew I wanted more. Education was going to be crucial for my success and my family's prosperity.


Diana said...

Never in a million years would I have ever gotten this impression. Chench is going to fall out when she sees this blog entry. After all these years I feel like I'm getting to know the REAL you not the serious med student. Yes, too many young latinas spitting out babies. In eight grade my best friend and I and another girl were the only ones that didn't end up pregnant. We got lucky--no pun intended. Life would be a lot harder for us. Hell it's hard now that we don't have kids. Imagine. my dear friend says, If she gets pregnant she's throwing herself down a flight of stairs;)

Anonymous said...

What girl does not go boy crazy in high school? The trick was to look like you were not because the one's that did sure did make fools of themselves.

Aleksu said...

The crazyness goes both way in high school, he he he...

Anyway, yes, I agree, one has to make sacrifices in life in order to achieve the goals you make for yourself.

Children bearing children, not a good thing, hopefully through education and sensibilization the problem will be curbed in the future.

AnalisaGuzman said...

I did not have boys or girls in my mind. hahaha. But you know why. I was a nerd. I was almost a nun. How boring.

guiam said...

i was so afraid of my father that I did not want to think of boys in high school. i knew he'd kick my ass, and so i even had no guy friends (i was so deprived!). then, i went to college!