Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Brain Check

I know someone will be interested in this article. Our brain is a wonderful, yet mysterious, organ. It controls our body and thoughts in manners not completely known to us. This article discusses the mind-body connection with regards to health. I am a believer of the mind-body connection. However, modern western allopathic medicine focuses on the "body" part of the equation the majority of the time. Other types of medicine, such as traditional Chinese medicine, focus on the person as a whole. I definitely enjoy reading about brain research.


Aleksu said...

I am a strong supporter of the brain-body approach to healing.

When I was 10 my mom hooked us in this Yoga class that was complimented with a weeked workshop on how to use your mind to control your body.

One of the techniques I learned is one in which at night, before going to sleep, you lay on your bed completely straight, without a pillow under your head and with your arms stretched along your body and the palms of your hands flat againt the surface. Then you summon a crew of techs and field workers to go work on the spots that need some maintenance, you know them better than anyone else.

Seems to work, I have been to the doctor's for a reason different than a check up only once in 15 years. Not counting the dentist that I go on a regular basis to control a birth related glitch.

AnalisaGuzman said...

wow, blex, I am going to start that tonite!