Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Cash and the City

My city is getting on my nerves. Trying any scheme to milk more money out of its citizens.
Mandating fines on aggressive panhandling (most of these people are homeless/penniless). Would like to see the strategy to collect the fees in those cases. The cops are out in full force, distributing tickets for every infraction. So think twice about stopping near the hydrant. Carry enough change for the meters (a quarter for 5, yes, 5 minutes in downtown). Of course, the city is too lazy to fix broken meters (a cop will still give you a ticket if it's broken, he doesn't care or check). When signs are missing (such as a bus stop sign), the officer will gladly write the ticket anyway. Then there's the good old CTA threatening to cut back El hours and certain bus route services.


Aleksu said...

The cost of having the city trying to collect a fine form a homeless person, yes, I want to see that.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought about that. How can you ticket a homeless panhandler if they don't have an address to be tracked with. Is it even worth it?

Diana said...

Ay Dr. V your blog entry enrages me. I hate this city. Trying to squeeze blood from rock those bastards. City's trying to make ends meet anyway they can even off of homeless folks.