Thursday, October 14, 2004

Sanctity of Marriage (Oh Please!)

I just want to tell Dubbya, "Shut Up!" The institution of marriage was revisited during the debate. I don't like the arguement that preserving the sanctity of marriage is the reason to ban same sex marriages. If two people love each other and want to make a commitment to each other, who are we to stop them. We certainly don't need an amendment banning same sex unions. If we value marriage so much, why is there such a high divorce rate and endless infedility in America.

Why did you cheat on your wife? Because I could.

We sure are doing a wonderful job at teaching the younger generation how to be faithful to our spouses. Furthermore, why is there so much domestic violence? Let's do something so men learn to respect women as individuals and stop seeing them as punching bags. As heterosexuals, we don't always demonstrate healthy marriages/partnerships. Maybe we can learn something about respecting our partners from same sex couples.


Anonymous said...

Well put.

Diana said...

Will you marrry me? I'm kidding. Dubya's like a fancy tv with only one channel. I totally agree with you that domestic violence against women is on a rampage around the world. Same sex marriage is to scary for all of those goofy conservatives.