Sunday, October 17, 2004

Gangsta Theatre

Soy Arranchera was stylin' yesterday, wasn't he? I don't think he's fond of the nickname, but we could use it in print amongst us. Anyway, Soy Arranchera was saying he would like to write a gangsta version of "The Sins of Sor Juana". Only so his character can say, "don't be hatin' the playa, hate the game".


Diana said...

Yeah, I saw Soy Arrachera walking around with his stylin' 17th century costume for the Sor Juana play. I smirked at him when I saw him because the first thing I thought of is Soy Arrachera. Or we could call him cactus snoopy;)

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

yes, Cactus Snoopy