Tuesday, October 19, 2004

A poem from 1997

Julia Alvarez described writing poetry as "cutting edge" and "magical". It is a form where each word is carefully crafted and carries intense meaning. Poems are often lyrical/musical. These are reasons why I enjoy reading and writing poetry.

The ocean roared and beaconed me,
but all I wanted
was for it to swallow me.
I begged and pleaded,
but it would not abandon me.
All that energy,
all that strength
to keep this tired soul afloat,
when it could have been
channeled into a worthier soul.
I continued to head
into the opposing currents,
convinced it was my destination.
Time ticked on,
and I awoke to find
the sandy shores
I never believed
were destined for me.
As I stood and glanced around,
at last I felt I belonged.

by dr.vodka


guiam said...

dr. vodka,
you have a strong poetic voice. i really enjoyed the poem.

Diana said...

This is such a beautiful poem. I love it!! You must read it at the poetry reading on Wed. at Cafe Mestizo.

Anonymous said...

How beautiful. Yes, come and read it at the open mic.

Aleksu said...

Wow, that is an amazing poem.