Thursday, November 04, 2004

Einstein on Music

Music inhabits my daily life. I need to hear music in the mornings, in the car, on the computer, at bedtime. During residency, the days I didn't take the time to listen to the jams in the morning, I felt less peppy during the day. Con menos animo (sp. correctly?)

There always seems to be a "soundtrack" in my head - "Dr. Vodka's Soundtrack" which currently includes "Battle Without Honor and Humanity." I didn't think others felt the same way as me except for musicians, of course. Then I read this in a mailing for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. It mentioned Einstein's views on music. He listened to classical music when faced with difficult scientific problems (favorites were Bach & Mozart).

"I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I get most joy in life out of music." - Albert Einstein

Yes, I too live my daydreams in music! When I can't speak, can't find the right words, or can't find the right actions/movement, there is always music that expresses it so beautifully & precisely for me.

That must be why I am drawn to musical instruments. Earlier in the week, I had the opportunity to play the piano. I feel in love again. So smooth, I thought, as my fingers pranced all over the piano keys. The sound that emerged & I transformed into one. Although I wasn't playing a particular piece of music, it was rejuvenating. I had to introduce myself to my forgotten friend. My fingers had to become reacquainted with the piano movements. I glided my fingers up and down. Rediscovered the unique sounds created by each key. I lingered around the lower tones since the Halloween vibes were in the air. Cranked up my Jeff Buckley and tried to accompany the music with my piano. Now, I must review how to read music, the majors/minors on the piano, etc. The technical aspects of playing the piano. At least I reconnected & tasted a bit of heaven those days.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

Great post.

I think I will burn a CD of Blex's Soundtrack.