Friday, November 05, 2004

Shopping for Tide

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to pick up some things including "Tide." It was on sale, you know. I proceeded to the detergent aisle; a Paula Abdul song began blaring thru out the store. Usually I don't listen to that type of music, but it didn't stop me from singing the tune. Luckily, I did so in a low voice;no one was in my aisle. I also got the itch to dance; imagine me sashaying down the detergent aisle. Thank God, I didn't give in to my silliness- forgot there are cameras in those places! As I pushed my cart to the next aisle, I was tempted to continue my singing & serenade the workers near me. Things probably would have gotten out of control if I was shopping with a certain friend who loves the 80s music. She would have cajoled me to dance and cut loose on the supermarket dance floor.

When I strolled down the liquor section (checking out the vodka selection), a Whitney Houston tune came on. I didn't sing to that one.


Diana said...

I can't wait to go shopping with you. Will call the store ahead of time to ensure they play 80's music and we will be a detergent party. In all seriousness, we must go dancing. Desparate for dancing...

Aleksu said...

This reminded me of that commercial for C2 that features the song "I Want to Break Free" by Queen.

Long Live the 80's!