Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Lately, I was wondering what I consider essential for my well being. What can't I live without?
First thing that came to mind was companionship. The companionship of good friends is precious. Friend can include those related and not related to me. Then there was a toss up between music and film. If I could have just two things, what would I choose. Music or film to go with the friendship? Music wins out. Although there are films I can watch numerous times. I don't know how I would manage without music. Sure I can go by my memories of my favorite artists, albums, & songs but it could never replace the experience of hearing the tunes blasting from the CD player. I don't say radio because radio abandoned me a long time ago with its persistent lack of quality. Yes, I'm guilty of owning CDs that I don't play frequently. I'm teased that I only play one CD (not true, but often feels that way). But digging up a CD and hearing it all over again, floods the room with memories & emotions. Reliving the past and daydreaming about the future. Recently, I unearthed my Patsy Cline CD; it unleashed the magic when I first heard it. The new imagery that precipitated was bewitching, thanks to a friend. Old meanings and new meanings meshing together to weave one breathtaking musical landscape. That's why I can't live without it.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

I love the Bohemian life.

Gimme friends, gimme books, gimme music. Coffee, wine, beer, it doesnt really matter, as long as we are together having a good time.

I am also guilty of owning too many CD's, right now I am hooked on Roberto Carlos, listening to it again and again.

Before that it was Pink Floyd's "Wish You Were Here".