Thursday, November 04, 2004

Lesbian Kiss and Pillow Humping

The two women kiss passionately. Later a man takes another man in his arms and dips him like they are dancing the tango. One of the "gentlemen" pretends to woo a fair maiden's pillow and does unspeakable things to the poor pillow.

This is a play about a nun!!!

These touches of sexual tension add to the brilliance of "The Sins of Sor Juana." Everything from the set to the music is marvelous. The words, the WORDS... are eloquent. They took on a more poignant meaning when I saw the play Wednesday night. Of course, I was mumbling the lines of Silvio and Sor Juana (along with other characters) in my head since I'm familiar with the play. If you remember from previous posts, I've been "reading lines" most of October.

In many ways, I am Sor Juana. A woman wanting all that the world has to offer and refusing to be denied based on gender alone. A woman refusing to settle for less. A woman in love with knowledge, learning, and discovery. (Go ahead, call me a geek!) A woman wanting to partake in all that it is to be a woman, a lover, and an EQUAL partner.

My father saw the play as well and today called me "Sor Juana". Perhaps he too saw a bit of Sor Juana in me as he watched my relentless pursuit of an education. I welcomed and thrived on challenges. Tell me that I can't; the more determined I became. My gender and my ethnicity were not going to be manipulated into "weaknesses." Yeah, I'm a woman, a Mexican, and an American - what of it? You got a problem with that. Well, it's YOUR problem, not mine. I have wonderful parents to thank for the pride they instilled in me at an early age.

To rephrase a Tarantino moment in "Kill Bill Volume One":
"The price you pay for bringing up either my Mexican or American heritage as negatives,
I collect your fuckin head. Just like this Fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, NOW'S THE FUCKIN TIME!"

Brought to you by: The Dubbya Debacle (it has brought out some rage in me..... )


Aleksu said...

The eternal quest for the equal partner.

Everytime myself or my brother would do or say anything even remotly anchored in the machista outlook on life my mom would break into "Hombres necios que a la mujer acusais...", that and some deep conversations during my teen years defined what I would look for with the one that would share life with this loco soƱador.

An equal partner, someone willing to walk side by side, someone that will love me for what I am and that will understand that I love her for what she is. Someone that understands that dependency is not love, that jealousy is not love.

Someone that sees me as an equal, not more, not less, than her. Someone that understands that we can fly together, but that we each need our own time, that we each sing our own song.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I'm glad men like you still exist on this earth.