Saturday, November 06, 2004

Physicians for Social Responsibility

This was sent out to members of Physicians for Social Responsibility:

Dear Activist,
These are difficult days. Part of me just wants to hideout till our nation returns to some kind of sanity. Probably I’ll just avoid the headlines for awhile.
What makes it easier for me, is knowing I’m not alone—besides the 55 million of my fellow Americans who voted for change—there are the communities I am grateful to be a part of. The community of organizations—national and local—representing thousands of individuals nationwide committed to working for peace and justice. And--of course--the PSR community.
I want to express my thanks and admiration to all of you—for all the hard work, passion, time and effort you poured into bringing our issues and message to people in your communities. No matter what state you’re in—you made a difference.
Rest up—nurture yourselves—and like the phoenix we will rise from the ashes of this election to help create a wiser more just society. One that is better able to act with real moral purpose in the world.

Ira Shorr
Security Program Outreach Director

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