Friday, November 05, 2004

Rejoice Music Lovers

Kinky and Kill Hannah have upcoming shows in Chicago.

Kinky on November 19 at Navy Pier.

Kill Hannah on December 18 at the House of Blues.

Last year, Kill Hannah's New Heart for X-mas show was unbelievable. I took my sis and a co-worker (KH virgin) to the show; both were blown away by KH. My sis was visiting me that weekend; we couldn't party after the show. I had to drive her to the airport VERY early the next morning. When she arrived to her destination, she called to report she landed safely. The first thing she said that the KH concert was freakin awesome (she was thrilled I took her).

The night of the show I had some psychedelic dreams. Very vivid, colorful, enchanting dreams accompanied by Kill Hannah songs - I didn't want to wake up!

1 comment:

Diana said...

Dang, wanted to go to the Kinky concert. Crap, just remembered might not be able to go to the Pixie's concert.