Tuesday, November 23, 2004

What Planet Are You From?

You Are From Neptune

You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability. You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea. Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion. You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone. If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.


dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

the thing about a room of people and feeling alone - very true...

Matt said...

It says, "You Are From Saturn

You're steady, organizes, and determined to achieve your dreams.

You tend to play it conservative, going by the rules (at least the practical ones).

You'll likely reach the top. And when you do, you'll be honorable and responsible.

Focus on happiness. Don't let your goals distract you from fun!

Don't be too set in your ways, and you'll be more of a success than you ever dreamed of."

A lot of this is true, but I'm too distractable and lazy to realize a lot of my dreams.