Thursday, December 09, 2004

Alley Cats

The furry and the human kind in my alley at all hours. The human kind keep making it difficult to use my garage. If it is not something like a SBC truck in the way when I'm trying to leave for work, it's cars PARKED in the alley when I come home. Alleys ARE NOT parking lots. If you are going to be awhile inside, park on the street or "double park" in the street. The alley is not wide enough to circle around a parked car, unless of course you want our cars scraping against each other. I've never seen an alley with so much "traffic" - it's like Lake Shore Drive when the Bears have a home game or Clark Street on a weekend night. I have also noticed more furry alley cats rummaging thru the trash cans. Don't know where all those cats came from. People love to walk in the alley for some ungodly reason. Hey that alley is not the friendliest looking one around. Women will walk there alone - I wouldn't do that especially since there has been some seedy looking characters lurking in the alley.

1 comment:

Diana said...

People are so annoying and inconsiderate. Patience Dr.V, don't want to see you on the evening news with your foot shoved up some idiots $#@!. Suggestion: Install the Dr.V Toll booth and charge $25 bucks to pass thru.