Last night's episode didn't disappoint. The show is more than surviving on the island after an airplane crash. The back stories on the characters are given proper airtime. Slowly, we have been exposed to how the characters came to be on that ill-fated flight, and what their lives were back "home". One of the characters is a physician (surgeon), Jack, played by Matthew Fox ("Party of Five" fame). Fox is wonderful in this role. I applaud the writers from going beyond the stereotypes of doctors that I have grown sick of over the years. Jack is not a perfect human being nor is he a cold-hearted person. In fact, in the beginning, he wasn't keen with others designating him as the leader of the group.
Next week, the first 2 hours of "Lost" will be rebroadcasted, so you have another chance to see how it all began. Maybe you will join the "Lost" cult.

hey. i didn't mean to stalk on your blog.. i'm sorry. i like your blog though.
i just want to ask permission if i could add you up to my links..
Link away my friend; i don't mind. I haven't take the time to learn how to add links so no links on my page.
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