Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Careful, I'm Flammable

Luckily, this happens rarely. However, tonight I tried to get some gasoline (saw some good rates yesterday). Well, I wanted to quickly jump into the cold and fill her up. As soon as I grab the pump, some gasoline starts leaking out, splashing over my car and the knob for the gasoline tank. Great! Pictures of my car on fire better not make it on the news this evening. At least this time it didn't douse my coat. These are the times I think, "Thank God, I don't smoke." I had to wash that coat until the last whiff of gasoline was gone (or I wouldn't have felt safe wearing it). To add to my frustration, the pump wasn't working. Since the other spots were occupied with other cars, I just left. Forget the gasoline; I have enough for tomorrow. I'll try again later AT ANOTHER gas station (cheap gas station). Before I took off, I wiped the gas tank knob and that side of the car with some paper towels. Now my gloves smell like gasoline; gonna have to wash them. I'm not gonna wear them 'cause knowing my luck I'll be around a smoker lighting a cigarette. Puff, I'll go up in flames.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

Enter bad joke about the Great Chicago Fire.

It freaks me out when people will not turn the engine off in the winter to keep the car warm.

A single mistake and it could get warmer than warm.