Sunday, December 19, 2004


Last night, I delivered 3 KH virgins to the musical gods. I continue to fulfill the mission - to spread the KH "disease". I think they walked away into the the snowy, windy night musically delighted. I, of course, wasn't disappointed at all with KH performance. It was a non-stop electrical assault from the glittering stage (lit up with X-mas trees) from the first song to "Kennedy". The way I like it. The visual and sound was phenomenal. Extra addition this year, green lasers emitting from their guitars. It was a fantastic sight. The crowd was promised even more special effects next year. As part of the encore set, Mat brought out the acoustic guitar to sing "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas". The band does "acoustic" very well - wish they would do it more often. At least deliver the public some acoustic songs on CD. Unfortunately (like Mat said) all good, hot, sweaty things must come to an end. They always cave in and play that song for the hometown crowd - "Welcome to Chicago, Motherf*#$er!" Wonder if Mayor Daley can have that song played at the airports?

Free tickets and a couple of WRs -it was the best Christmas present.
Happy Holidays to All!

Not the best pic, but it was what I could get with the tight security.

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