Thursday, December 02, 2004

The Coffee Novel

In conversations with my sidekick (thou she would say that I'm HER sidekick), we talked about our coffee novels. Not that we are writing books about coffee. It's the novel that has become the norm in our modern coffee society. She said, "Sometimes I feel like I have to say a freakin novel to order a cup of coffee. Why can't it be simple? Give me my f*#*in coffee"

Example: "Give me a medium hot white chocolate raspberry latte with whipped cream, no extra sugar"

I don't frequent Starbucks anymore, too expensive of a habit. Officially weaned off of that type of brew. Nescafe & Dunkin Donuts are the coffees in my life. But I remember the ridiculously long sentences to place your order if you wanted anything other than plain coffee. Though DD started serving lattes this year. There are two new flavors for the holidays; raspberry lattes do taste GOOOOOD! I told her to simplify what she says -"give me a medium latte". Then THEY will ask the other questions; hot? what flavor? whipped cream? extra sugar? Blah, Blah, Blah. Besides, when you say the long sentence, they probably don't hear it all so you'll have to repeat yourself. Or they'll ask you "the questions"- the Coffee Interrogation.

sidenote: The superbug will never be killed- it only grows stronger.
I miss out on the juicy stuff when I don't call as often.
My sidekick is the BEST sidekick in the world!


Anonymous said...

my dd order: large hazelnut coffee, no sugar, extra cream please.

but i have to admit that asking for a tall, grande or venti drink at starbucks has always felt silly to me.

Aleksu said...

I was a Barista for little over a year, I can tell you so many "Grande Venti Double Decaf Mocha with No Chocolate" stories that you wouldn't believe it.

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

a mocha with no chocolate? what's the point of ordering the mocha?