Thursday, December 02, 2004

Help! Aiuto! Ayuda! Aide!

I'm out of sync. Feel like I'm living in two time zones (sometimes simultaneously). Must fix my circadian rhythm. Nevertheless, I can't help writing/creating at absurd hours so the nightowl reigns. Unleash the ink & scroll (or the keyboard) as the midnight hour creeps in. I have so much to write; let thee words pour down upon me. Scribble away, madwoman, scribble away. Listen, the music commences in the distance - slowing begins to invade. Let it move you, let it guide my mind and hands tonight (in the wee hours)...

sorry, recently reading a scene from Macbeth...(the soliloquy with the dagger scene)
Shakespeare was at times a pain to read in high school - still can be difficult to understand some of that language- but much more fun to read now. Shakespeare kicks a**! Edgar Allen Poe does, too.

**so much for "not being prolific during the holiday season." There are several more things in the works - just need the time to complete them, hmmm.

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