Friday, December 31, 2004

Dispelling Myths

I'm not in bed with any pharmaceutical company! Contrary to what many people think about doctors and drug companies. Some people actually care about other people.

Drug companies would like you to believe that their drugs are expensive because that money is needed to fund research. A lot of their profit (they do make a nice profit) goes into advertising! Now even more money is spent on advertising since they have invaded your television, radio, newspapers, magazines, and etc.

Have a problem - we got a pill for you. Ask your doctor if this pill is right for you.

1 comment:

Aleksu said...

I used to work for a place that catered to the so called Drug Reps.

Meaning, the arrogant imbeciles that get paid big bucks for dumping a bunch of drug samples and plenty of food at doctors' offices.

They are a vermin, and each time we buy any medicine, a large percentage goes to them.