Thursday, December 30, 2004


Mat is busy recording songs for the new album. Luckily he has been updating his journal.

Excerpt from 12/29/04

here are some words about the romance of abandoned carnivals,
…the setting for countless memories
-they hang in front of my eyes like a fog
where each molecule of water
is a moment stuck in time
it’s not recognised by modern science yet,
but, you see, every laugh througout history.
every rollercoaster scream takes on a permanence .
-frozen in the sidewalks we stand upon
invisible forever, maybe. but as real as you or me
the photos the people took were black and white
by now their childhood loves have long since died
i would like to believe that it all mattered more to them
that thier excitement was genuine
not like ours, overanylised,
first kisses, last kisses,
they stayed up late past their bedtimes
and if we listen very close
we can still hear the rides

Posted by Mat at December 29, 2004 05:55 PM

1 comment:

dr.v (Not a narcotic Pez dispenser) said...

I CAN hear the rides just by reading his post.